Thursday, September 12, 2019

Human Trafficking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 2

Human Trafficking - Research Paper Example ally includes sexual exploitation such as prostitution, slavery, forced labour, removal of body organs, forced services, servitude or acts similar or imitating slavery. This is the fundamental definition of human trafficking according to the United Nations Trafficking protocol.1 It is the universally agreed definition of human trafficking. However, in simple terms, human trafficking can be defined as the illegal act of buying and subsequently selling of people or individuals for the main purpose of forced labour, prostitution and other acts of exploitation. The human trafficker often operate by making false promises, restricting family and friends contact, limiting one’s freedom of movement, denial of basic necessities like food, taking one’s identification documents, stopping an individual from attending religious services and even threatening deportation to the victim. Over the last two decades, trafficking in human beings, often called ‘contemporary form of slavery’, has become a major international concern. It is an issue that has raised intense political discussions together with ambiguous legal regulations on national, regional and international levels. International organisations, government and civil societies have increasingly focused on trafficking, measures to prevent it, protect trafficked people, prosecute perpetrators and strengthen cross border cooperation against human trafficking. It is the most grave violation of human rights and considered the second most profitable transnational crime after drug trafficking.2 According to statistics by the Homeland Security Department, human trafficking generates about $32 billion per year, with millions of people being trafficked every year in the world. Women, men and children are trafficked for the purposes of sexual exploitation, forced labour, commercial marriage market, the sel ling of organs and for adoption. Western Europe is a region of destination for victims of human trafficking from mainly

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