Saturday, September 28, 2019

Advertising and Promotion Strategies for Small and Medium Enterprises Assignment

Advertising and Promotion Strategies for Small and Medium Enterprises - Assignment Example From this paper it is clear that European definition tells small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) employ lesser than 250 persons. That enterprise must have an annual turnover not more than 50 million euro. The annual balance sheet must not be more than 43 million euro. Size can be slightly differs in terms of numbers of employee in different countries. In case of Germany Small and medium enterprises can have maximum up to 255 numbers of employees. In the case of Belgium that number differs. It is 100 employees can have maximum. In India a small enterprise is an enterprise where the lowest level of investment in plant and machinery must be more than Rs. 25 lakh but must not greater than Rs. 5 crore. In India a medium enterprise must have an investment more than 5 crore and less than 10 crore. This study declares that the SMEs in Poland contributes almost 50% of their GDP. In the year 2011 small companies 7.7%, and medium companies 10.4%. SME’s contribution to polish national GDP is very much competitive with large scale industry. In UK there are almost 4.8m SMEs. This SME’s are generating 60 per cent of the total employment. This sector is contributing 50 per cent of total GDP. This sector is contributing same as UK i.e. 50% of the total German GDP. The contribution of SME’s in French GDP is almost 44%. It is a sector which contributes large portion of every country GDP. Advertising is a form of marketing communication used to persuade, encourage and manipulate a bunch of listeners, viewers or readers sometimes or a specific group to take some purchase related or continue to take up some activities. Advertising can be defined as paid, one-way marketing information persuading from an identified sponsor distributed through different channels of mass communication to promote goods, services or ideas.

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