Monday, September 30, 2019

Compare and contrast the 1963 and 1990 version of ‘Lord Of The Flies’ Essay

In this essay I will be compare and contrast the 1963 and the 1990 version of ‘Lord Of The Flies’. I will be exploring the two films to see which is better at helping students to understand the central theories of Golding’s original novel. Peter Brook’s version was made in 1963, had a British cast and was filmed in black and white. He took an assembly of schoolboys to the Caribbean island of Vieques for three months and then got them to act out the book with very little direction from Brook himself. This may be because he wanted the film to look realistic and not staged. Harry Hook’s American, technicolour version was produced in 1990 and included characters who were not in the original novel. There are a number of differences between the two films. In the ‘Lord Of The Flies’ novel, Golding makes sure that no adults are present, aside from the dead parachutist. However in the 1990 version, a fatally ill pilot is present amongst the children. We are also never told about the boys’ homes or past in the book, whereas in Hook’s version the boys gossip about Jack’s military record and the time he drove off in an army car. At the beginning of Hook’s version, the boys are all members of the Sea Cadets and therefore are familiar with each other whereas in Brook’s version, the boys are meeting each other for the very first time. Nearing the end of the 1963 version, the chants used at Simon’s death are from the original novel, ‘kill the pig, cut his throat, spill his blood’. Conversely in Hook’s version they recite chants that are remembered from their training at the Cadets. The beast is a major theme in Golding’s original novel. It is the manifestation of the boys’ innermost fears of the evil that resides inside themselves. The video versions treat the beast in different ways. In Hook’s version the idea of a beast is introduced through Jack as he is telling stories around a campfire. In Brooks’ version, the little boys with the birthmark introduces the beast, saying he has seen a monster in the jungle. Both films portray Ralph as a good-looking, tall boy. This is why the children warm to him and elect him leader, whereas Jack, whose is ‘ugly without silliness’, is overlooked. This is an issue in everyday life where good-looking people are more socially accepted than ugly people. An example of this is how magazines always display attractive models. Towards the end of both films, Ralph is being hunted like a pig as the boys set fire to the island hoping to corner him. As soon as he reaches the beach the naval officer appears, showing a sign of authority. At the beginning of both films Ralph is admired by the boys, but slowly loses respect through his inability to offer the same fun as Jack does. This shows that children overlook maturity and responsibility when there is an option to have a good time. Jack is represented in the same way in both films. He shows anger and impatience from the start of the film. When he fails in his attempt to challenge Ralph for leadership, his thirst for power overflows as he sets up his own tribe. His tribe is of a dictatorship nature and refer to Jack as the chief, obeying his every command. Hook’s film shows Jack turning savage faster, wearing more face paint than in Brook’s version. Piggy’s unfortunate quality are the subject of the other boys’ scorn; his asthma, fatness and poor eyesight, with his glasses being a visual symbol. They are symbolic of man’s insight or lack of it, where there are no rules of society to control behaviour. Piggy is not afraid to express his opinions, but is never taken seriously because he is fat, short sighted and has a different accent. These qualities add up to someone who fails to fit in with the rest of the boys. Ralph, however, is tall, fair, and good-looking, speaking in a cultured way (the same as the others). Nevertheless Ralph does not possess the real brains that Piggy does, which causes his downfall and lets Jack get away with murder. From this, one is led to believe that humans are shallow and fail to look beyond the visual exterior of man. Simon is depicted as the silent boy in both films. He is likened to Jesus and is killed, just as Jesus died on the cross. The new technology available in 1990 made Hook’s version gorier. Simon never finds the courage to express his thoughts and emotions, and therefore is looked upon as an outsider like Piggy. The human mind needs to be constantly nurtured to prevent it from turning against others. Children need a higher figure to maintain peace and harmony, ensuring them that their biggest fears are in fact figments of their imagination (for example monsters under the bed). When there is no higher authority, undeveloped minds do not think of others. They do not live their lives considerately. Instead, they act on their instincts and are quick to blame an outsider for their own fears. This is how the beast becomes an issue on the island, as even the older boys begin to doubt their common sense. Rather than rationally thinking the problem out, the boys begin to fear this imaginary beast. The only boy that realises the truth is Simon, who understands that the beast is the boys’ inner fear, physically manifested. Authority is also a major issue in both films, more so in Hook’s version, where the boys lose sight of civilisation quicker. The conch is symbolic of the law and is used to call order in the beginning. However as the boys are replaced by their savage primitive selves, the conch loses all significance. The smashing of the conch shows the crumbling of the walls of society. The two films are aimed at similar audiences, both children and adults alike. Brooks’ version was appropriate for its time and so lacked the elements of the modern film. Hook’s version showed effects that were relevant to modern times, which made it more appealing to children in society today. The language in both films had to be different to appeal to the target audience. For example, in Brooks’ version Piggy calls Jack and his tribe, ‘a pack of painted niggers’. This would be deemed as racist in society today. In the same way, Hook’s version uses words of profanity that would have been unacceptable in 1963. Both directors have used different technical effects in their film versions of the novel, such as camera angles, music, make up/costume, photography/lighting and direction. Brooks used music at the crucial points of the films. When Simon died, religious music was played to make the audience think of holy things. Brooks’ version contained not much stage direction, as he wanted the film to appear realistic and not staged. However there were not many camera angles. More mid shots and less angle shots were taken. In 1963 there wasn’t the technology to filter light. Brooks’ version used make up well. The savages were easily distinguishable from Ralph’s group, and the war paint on Jack’s tribe was realistic, as if natural. The music used in Hook’s version was sincere and genuine. The music was dramatic and the mood changed throughout the film. At the start it was jolly as the boys were only just discovering the island, whereas near the end the music was reflective upon all the destruction the boys had caused. At the time of Simon’s death, a low, mournful type of music was played while as Piggy died, silence reigned. This gave the audience the impression that the death of Piggy symbolised the complete destruction of civilisation. It gave them a chance to think about how the boys had gone from mindless games to murder. Stage direction were used in accordance to the novel and was therefore noticeably better. Due to technology a wider variety of camera angles were used. There were many close-ups of the war paint on the savages, truly showing how society had crumbled. Mid shots signified the passing of time. Subjective shots were taken during Ralph’s chase, which led to the effect that Ralph was the only sane boy left being chased by savage brutes. In Hook’s version the lighting was clear. He was able to control the amount of light he wanted cast onto each individual scene, which was not possible during the time of Brooks’ film. The fact that the film was in colour added to the effect on the costume and the blood on the hunters. The effects mentioned above help us to understand and interpret the novel. They tell us about time passed on the island and the gradual deterioration of the boys’ sense of law and order. I have concluded that Brooks’ version of the film would be more helpful for students of the text. His film was made only nine years after the book was published and therefore used the same language of the period. Hook’s version was made in 1990, and was vastly different. Society had greatly changed in forty years. The language used was completely different. The American actors meant that the vocabulary used was different from the novel. This film contained many characters that were not in the original novel, which could have led to confusion for students studying the text. Brook’s version showed more relevance to the script. The events occurred in the same sequence as the book. Children of today would have found Hook’s version more entertaining, seeing as there was more blood, gore and profanity. However it would not aid them in the study of the text as much as Brook’s version could.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

History of Pangkor Island Essay

In past times; this area used to be the center for piracy. The pirates had their home ports in the Pulau Gedung Hills, Gua Lanun (Pirates’ Cave) and Batu Perompak (Pirates’ Rock) on the island of Pangkor. Many ships/boats were taken over and robbed of their goods and products. The Dutch were active here in the times of the Dutch East India Company (VOC). People were especially keeping themselves busy with the tin industry, until the British took over. In 1670 the Dutch built a fort (also for protection against the locals and the higher powers of that time) at Tiger Rock. During the British rule the name has temporarily been Monkey Island. Later the island was named Pulau Aman (Peaceful Island) before it regained the name Pangkor. Getting around on Pangkor Island The best way to explore Pangkor Island is by motorbike as rental is only around RM25-40 per day. Another option is by renting a car, though there are only a few places where this is possible. Sometimes you will get cheaper prices if you rent a motorbike or car from one of the employees at your resort; but do check up front how things like insurance and such are arranged. Better don’t take any unnecessary chances and just go for the trustworthy rental companies. You could of course also consider renting a bicycle, but do know that some parts of the island have some steep climbs which can be quite strenuous in this tropical climate. Last option is to get around by taxi; but this does limit the possibilities of exploring the island a bit. On the other hand taxi drivers are quite knowledgeable so they might be able to take you to places unknown by tourists. There are no metered taxis on Pangkor Island. Trips are based on fixed prices. For example; a trip from Pangkor Town Jetty to Nipah Bay costs RM15. The best places to rent a scooter is at Pangkor Town Jetty or at Nipah Bay. During weekends (or public holidays) it can be quite crowded on the island, and most of the motorbikes will be rented out. We have good experiences with Budget Resort and Flora Resort (both in Nipah Town). We paid RM32 per day, but normal price is RM40 per day (we rented one for multiple days during our stay). Always be careful when riding a scooter. Always wear a helmet. Make sure you bring your (international) driving license with you, otherwise you will not be able to rent the scooter. Never go too fast. Roads on Pangkor can be quite treacherous and sometimes slippery (especially after rain). There are numerous beaches on Pangkor Island; an easy way to explore them is by motorbike (or taxi/rental car). Only a few of these beaches are popular among locals and tourists; especially during the weekends. The rest are secluded and unspoilt; during the week there is a big chance you will be the only one visiting the beach. Pantai Pasir Bogak probably is the most popular beach on the island. Another great beach is Nipah beach at Teluk Nipah; where you can find clear waters. You can even snorkel in the area, as it is located directly opposite Pulau Giam which is the only island that is surrounded by corals (though snorkeling over here should not be compared with snorkeling at islands like Perhentian, Redang or Tioman). Snorkeling at Giam is inexpensive. Snorkeling gear including a return boat trip costs only RM15 per person. Other great beaches are Ketapang beach and Segadas beach (the secret beach). Though Segadas beach is not that easy to reach (you need to walk from the small town Teluk Gedung via a short jungle trip to the secluded beach, which takes around 20/25 minutes); it probably is the most beautiful beach on the island. Pangkor has some great resorts There are numerous great resorts on the island. One of the most popular is thePangkor Island Beach Resort . This resort is especially great for families with children; as they have an extensive children’s program. All the guests get a daily newspaper where the activities for the day are described. You can chose to join early in the morning to look for birds, or come to the Hornbill feeding platform where Hornbills are fed twice daily. Nearby the coastal town of Lumut you can stay at the amazing Swiss-Garden Resort Damai Laut . When we first visited the resort we didn’t know what to expect. We read stories up front that the resort is often very quiet and that it is especially renowned for its spa facilities and of course the fantastic golf course (18-hole, Par 72 championship golf course including a driving range). Golf sport enthusiasts will have the time of their lives; as the golf course is rated among the best throughout Malaysia (and Southeast Asia). From the resort you have great views on the island of Pangkor that lies opposite the resort. A resort of a whole different class is the famous Pangkor Laut Resort . This is by far the most luxurious resort on the island (actually on a secluded island nearby Pangkor). The resort is often mentioned in luxury & lifestyle magazines; it is rated as one of the best resorts in Malaysia. It is also one of the best places to visit during your honeymoon. Below a nice video of Pangkor Laut and the resort. Pangkor also has great guesthouses During one of our stays at Pangkor Island we spend a few nights at Nipah Guesthouse, winner of the Tripadvisor Travelers Choice 2012 award. This sure was a nice guesthouse and the owners are amazing people. In the same area, around Nipah Bay, there are many other guesthouses. Most of the guesthouses rent out motorbikes and most offer lunches for non-guests.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Advertising and Promotion Strategies for Small and Medium Enterprises Assignment

Advertising and Promotion Strategies for Small and Medium Enterprises - Assignment Example From this paper it is clear that European definition tells small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) employ lesser than 250 persons. That enterprise must have an annual turnover not more than 50 million euro. The annual balance sheet must not be more than 43 million euro. Size can be slightly differs in terms of numbers of employee in different countries. In case of Germany Small and medium enterprises can have maximum up to 255 numbers of employees. In the case of Belgium that number differs. It is 100 employees can have maximum. In India a small enterprise is an enterprise where the lowest level of investment in plant and machinery must be more than Rs. 25 lakh but must not greater than Rs. 5 crore. In India a medium enterprise must have an investment more than 5 crore and less than 10 crore. This study declares that the SMEs in Poland contributes almost 50% of their GDP. In the year 2011 small companies 7.7%, and medium companies 10.4%. SME’s contribution to polish national GDP is very much competitive with large scale industry. In UK there are almost 4.8m SMEs. This SME’s are generating 60 per cent of the total employment. This sector is contributing 50 per cent of total GDP. This sector is contributing same as UK i.e. 50% of the total German GDP. The contribution of SME’s in French GDP is almost 44%. It is a sector which contributes large portion of every country GDP. Advertising is a form of marketing communication used to persuade, encourage and manipulate a bunch of listeners, viewers or readers sometimes or a specific group to take some purchase related or continue to take up some activities. Advertising can be defined as paid, one-way marketing information persuading from an identified sponsor distributed through different channels of mass communication to promote goods, services or ideas.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Sports development and the medias Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sports development and the medias - Assignment Example ce that teachers, facility managers, youth workers, policy developers, coaches, society outreach personnel, health specialists and several others are all said to be involved with sports development. On the other hand, in this professional matrix there is an assorted economy present which entails paid professionals, academics, volunteers, policy developers and practitioners. In the good times, the policy of sports and financial support have been endorsed and encouraged vigorously and in the awful days these aspects have jointly been protected against economising. In-spite of all these, substantial concern prevails among various actors as well as institutions in relation to sports development. The rise of the disagreement and discord crops-up from the challenging discourses, applications and policies. A record in regard to the political nervousness was found from considerable academic investigation among the supporters of privileged progress of sports and the broader group participatio n. Such tensions are evident in the sports history of UK and also in other countries as well (Hylton & Bramham, 2007). Sports development has been stated to be a process with the help of which attention and want to be a part of sport might be instilled in such individuals who are still presently unresponsive to the idea. Media has been known to contribute greatly towards the development of sports. It has been also said that with the help of this process, chances could be provided to those individuals who are presently not a part. It has been defined as the process with the help of which the individuals who are presently a part of the activity or the process might be facilitated to continue doing it with consequential frequency and increased contentment. This would allow the participants at every stage to attain their entire potential. Sports development is the idea of making sure that the ways and arrangements are in their respective positions so as to facilitate individuals to gain

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Money Transactions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Money Transactions - Essay Example While focusing specifically on the transactions demand of money, this paper is aimed at examining the relationship between the interest rate and money demand in the context of a general assumption held by the financial experts that the transactions demand for money may be interest elastic. In this regard the issues related with the interest elasticity of transactions demand for money are discussed to have deep understanding of the issue. In order to find out the evidences about the interest elasticity of the transactions demand for money it is imperative to have deep understanding of the concept of transactions demand for money and its relationship with interest rate within a market. The transactions demand for money could be denoted by M or Lt that refers to the volume of money that is required to meet the financial expenditures. The equation of exchange is a crucial element for the transactions demand of money. According to the equation of exchange M * v = P * Y. In this equation the Lt or M stands for the transactions demand for money, v is the velocity of the money, P refers to the GDP deflator whereas Y represents the real income. The relationship between the transactions demand fo... ionship between the transactions demand for money and the interest rate possesses great important from the perspective that states that there is a pressure to economize on one's transactional case balance and this pressure is originated from the rate of interest. The holders of the transactions money used to buy bonds and also pay fee and brokerage services and as a result they expect high return on their money due to interest rate. In a market the higher is the interest, the more people get as a final return for their money. Due to this reason most of the households use the transaction money to get benefit from the high rates of interest and for this purpose they make investments in bonds etc. (Nouriel Backus, p6, 1998) The relationship between transaction money demand and interest rates has been a major concern for the economists for a long period of time. The transactions demand is believed to be interest elastic because the interest rate and the transactions demand are closely linked with each other. The holder of the cash strived to take maximum benefit from the money he holds and in such situation the equilibrium balance of money is held. In the transactions demand of money the holder has to deal with the Marginal cost as well as with the Marginal revenues. The marginal cost is the interest that has to be certainly paid by the holder and the marginal revenue is the psychological interest rate that is earned by the holder of money due to overcoming the worries that he might face about non having cash money in hand. It is believed by he economists that the more income a person earns, the more cash he might holds and more he became in a position to afford the loss of interest (Robert, p2, 2007). There are two important implications associated with interest

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Entrepreneur - Mark Constantine and Their Company Strategy - Lush Assignment

Entrepreneur - Mark Constantine and Their Company Strategy - Lush Company - Assignment Example According to the paper, they established a strong business relationship with Anita, which enabled them to supply most of their products to Anita’s shop. The business developed very first and other founders were incorporated to the business such as Rowena Bird, Helen Ambrosen, Paul Greaves and Karl Bygrave joined the team to make the company a success. The headquarters of the company are locate in Poole, England. There were various beliefs and values that inspired the start of the company, they believed in the manufacture of fresh handmade products from natural ingredients and vital oils for personal care. Today the company has more than 650 stores across the globe with mail order services in 12 countries. The products in the company are made by hand and does its own distribution to its own retail stores. The company is associated withthe sale of cosmetic products and other innovative related product such as shampoo bars, bath ballistics and bubble bar slices. The main products though include, shower products, face and beauty products, bath products, hair products, body lotion and perfume. Innovation standards are very high in Lush Company and aspects such as differentiation, environmentally-friendly packaging and use of fresh ingredient are used to enhance their theme of innovation. Vegetables and fresh fruits are used in the manufacture of these products, which depending with the producer artisanal look and color are impeded to the product. They encourage that packaging is done with recyclable materials as a form of ethic. Lush company can be described as a company that deals with introduction of improved or new goods or services.Mission of the of the company can be described as the core strategy of the company, other core strategies include the scope of the products.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Balanced scorecard in restaurant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Balanced scorecard in restaurant - Essay Example s is presently the head chef as well as the owner of the restaurant and with his maverick ideas he has turned it into one of the most exciting restaurants in the entire United States of America. A balanced scorecard is applied to analyze the organization’s current situation. Based on this analysis a problem statement, present challenges, opportunities and possible management solutions are inferred and provided in this paper. Balanced scorecard, a strategic tool, developed by Robert Kaplan and David Norton (Value Based, n.d.).is used effectively in translating a company’s strategy and vision into the reality of implementation. Organization can perform this process of implementation from four different perspectives which include financial perspective, business process perspective, learning and growth perspective and customer perspective (Balanced Scorecard Institute, n.d.). A sound financial health is primary requisite of any business organisation. Therefore it becomes imperative to develop a financial objective and mission before taking the initiatives to achieve those missions and objectives. French Laundry restaurant is a three star restaurant in USA. It is a financially strong organization. Here a normal dinar costs almost 1500 dollar and people are found to be very much comfortable with this price (Sutton, R. January 13, 2009). However with USA being one of the most affected countries in the present recession, French Laundry’s current financial goals should therefore include cost reduction, growth and maximizing profit. Achievement of the Goals can be measured by comparing costs and profits of two consecutive years. Customer is another important element for any business organization. Present management philosophy is based on the fact that customer is the king in the market. An Organization not only needs to retain its existing customers but also to attract new customers in order to enjoy a sustainable growth. Strategies regarding

Monday, September 23, 2019

Deep sea exploration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Deep sea exploration - Essay Example This scientific act can be seen as good or bad depending on the perspective of an individual. From the beneficial point of view, deep-sea exploration can enhance human life on the planet through revelation of new sources of drugs, food, energy resources. The information from the deep-sea exploration can help foretell earthquakes and tsunamis and help scientist to understand how these affects change of on climate and human life as a whole. On the other hand, it can be seen as a threat to human life in the following ways: ocean acidification and atmospheric ozone depletion. Species like sponges normally have chemicals compounds that they use for defense purposes when they are under attack. These chemicals have very essential components that may of great use in the manufacture of new medical drugs (pg 20). These drugs can cure for various diseases such as heart diseases, cancer, asthma and arthritis, which are the most killing diseases in the world. This species are proving to be of very importance to the health of the humankind as indeed the cure of all this diseases can increase an individual’s ability to live longer hence contributing one way or another to the positive development of the whole world (Koslow, J2009). Scientists have for long tried to discover new pharmaceuticals for various diseases, which have made them to spend a lot of time and resources, and sometimes ending in the total disappointment. If they encourage deep -sea exploration then there are no doubts that they will reap so many benefits from it according to the studies (Kos low, J2009). Deep-sea exploration can also improve ocean literacy and inspire new carriers to the growing population of the youths. These carriers may include engineering and mathematics. Deep-sea exploration creates adventurous discoveries that the youths find to more exciting to be part of. The urge to discover new ideas concerning the deep sea has provided the basic knowledge for problem

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Written Communication for Business Purposes Research Paper

Written Communication for Business Purposes - Research Paper Example It is necessary that accountability and responsibility chains of people working in the organization are fixed. The manager should communicate everything to his sub ordinates and people in the organization in a written way. Written messages can also be saved in the repository for future references. Business communication is a permanent mode of communication and is easier to follow through than oral communication mans. Good written communication is pivotal to the success of an organization. It helps in building its corporate image and good will. Written business communication comprises of various forms. These are letters, memoranda’s, emails, sales letters, agendas and business reports. Business letters should have an appealing and an appropriate lay out. The writer should be clear on the content of the letter and it must be divided into paragraphs. The subject of the letter should be written and should be enclosed within envelope. The letter must be saved for future reference a nd should be written carefully as it directly affects the good will of the organization. There are various types of business letters for instance sales letters, information letters and problem letters.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Byzantine Empire Essay Example for Free

The Byzantine Empire Essay When the western Roman Empire descended into chaos in 500 C.E. much of the Roman culture on the west side was lost, while the Eastern empire survived and preserved much of the surviving Roman Culture, but changed it’s name to the â€Å"Byzantine Empire,† showing individuality in many aspects between Rome and Byzantine. The Byzantine Empire was the surviving reminisces of the Roman Empire, which flourished into the oldest and longest lasting empire in our history. It began with the emperor Constantine who based much of the Byzantine Empire social structure of Rome. For example, the romans had two distinct classes, the Patricians and the Plebeians, the poor and the elite. The Byzantines had the poors and the Vassals. Although there was a severe gap between the social classes, the Byzantines had something called a Pepacy or the office of the people. â€Å"The laws of every people governed by statutes and customs are partly peculiar to itself, partly common to all mankind†¦..† This shows that although it continued on the Greek style of democracy, it incorporated its own laws and writings in it (Document 1 and Document 4) When the Western Roman Empire crumbled down, many people don’t know the extent of the damage the Western Empire endured. â€Å"And having a mind set upon evil, they took in hand unlawful deeds, thinking to suppress altogether the depicting of the venerable images.† This displays the chaos and anarchy roaming in Western Rome. And when the Byzantine Empire came about, it was the nail in the coffin, marking the decline of the Roman Empire (Document 3) Originally Roman religion worshipped the emperor as a god, a single deity, however that all changed when Constantine came into power. He quickly established the Byzantine capital as Constantinople, and made Christianity as the national religion. This marked the start of Christian ascendancy, which quickly globalized Western Europe. â€Å"We should be the slaves, not the sons of such as Church, and the Roman See would not be the pious mother of sons but a hard and imperious mistress of slaves.† The following quote depicts many citizens against and the Christian way of life, which eventually switched over to Islam and Constantinople was renamed to modern day â€Å"Istanbul.† (Document 2 and Document 5) If given a bonus document it would explain how people lived day in and day out living in the Byzantine Empire. Because it will explain how much of their daily lives are parallel to that of the ancient Romans.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Marula Wine Making Process Environmental Sciences Essay

Marula Wine Making Process Environmental Sciences Essay The name chosen for the marula wine produced in this activity is a combination of the first names of both manufacturers. It sounds exotic and thus makes the wine more attractive to potential drinkers. The Chemical Process of Fermentation Fermentation is an enzyme-catalyzed chemical process in cells whereby large organic molecules, such as glucose, are decomposed anaerobically. Simpler molecules are produced and energy is yielded (Fermentation, 2010). In the context of industrial fermentation, suitable microorganisms and specified conditions are necessary to begin reactions that produce products such as alcohol and glycerol. During alcoholic fermentation, enzymes from yeasts added to fruits are used to convert sugars and starches into alcohol. Carbon dioxide and energy are also yielded from the reaction (Fermentation, 2008). At the end of the process, yeast or other microorganisms no longer convert sugars in the solution into alcohol. Dead yeast cells will then remain suspended in the wine, which should be removed. During the manufacture of wine and beer, fermentation is evident in the production of foam, which is the carbon dioxide that is yielded from the reaction. In order to manage the reaction effectively for the best possible outcome, various factors should be carefully controlled. If the temperature of the surroundings is too high or too low, this will kill the yeast. The temperature needs to be approximately between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius for the yeast to thrive (The Fermentation Process, 2007). If too much sugar is added, a stuck fermentation will occur soon after the process starts, due to the inhibition of the yeast (The Fermentation Process, 2007). It will then only be able to tolerate a low concentration of alcohol. The solution should be diluted in order to reduce the sugar concentration and reactivate the yeast. The fermentation may not start if the solution is too acidic, or if there is not sufficient acid. If the fruit solution is too acidic, the wine will taste bitter and should then be neutralized using a potassium carbonate solution. If the wine lacks bouquet and tastes insipid, there is too little acid. Two teaspoons of citric acid should be added per 4, 5 litres of wine (The Fermentation Process, 2007) to improve the taste of the wine. The taste and bouquet of the wine can negatively be affected by certain elements during the wine-making process. A bacterial infection can easily occur if the mixture has not been properly sealed, or if the wine-making equipment has not been adequately sterilized. The wine will easily acetify and form vinegar as a result of bacterial spoilage. The addition of a small amount of sodium metabisulfite in the early stages of fermentation is necessary to kill all bacteria and thus prevent oxidation and the resulting expiration of the wine. However, the mixture may smell like rotten eggs if too much sodium metabisulfite has been added. It will react with the yeast and cause an excess of sulfites to be released (The Fermentation Process, 2007). The clarity of the wine will be reduced if the yeast remains suspended in the solution (The Fermentation Process, 2007). The wine should then be moved to a cooler area and potassium sorbate should be added to stabilize the mixture by killing the yeast. A pectin haze may also often occur due to the remaining cellulose from the fruit (How to make homemade wine step by step, 2009). A very small amount of pectin enzyme should be added in due time to decompose the pectin. The wine will then clear after a few weeks. If it lacks colour, there is not a high enough concentration of fruit. Tannin or acid needs to be added and the wine must then be left to mature further. If the wine is too bitter, there is excess tannin due to the high concentration of fruit in the mixture (The Fermentation Process, 2007). Importantly, carbon dioxide gas should be removed during the fermentation process so that the taste of the wine is not adversely affected by the production of any bacteria. However, if there is too little carbon dioxide, the taste of the wine could also be negatively affected. If the fermentation is still in process when the wine is sealed in a bottle, high levels of carbon dioxide may be dangerous. This may cause the bottle to burst or the cork or seal to be pushed off with great force due to the high pressure created inside the container. It is thus essential to make sure that fermentation has stopped before the wine is bottled. The process should either be allowed to run to completion (no more foam is present), or 1 gram of potassium sorbate should be added to every 4, 5 litres of wine. This inhibits the growth of yeast or other microorganisms that cause fermentation in the solution (The Fermentation Process, 2007). Procedural design Aim To produce 750ml of high quality wine by the controlled fermentation of the fruits of the Marula (Schleracarya birrea) tree. Hypothesis High quality wine will be produced by the controlled fermentation of ripe fruits of the Mpumalanga Marula tree. Abstract It was decided that a combination of recipes would be used in order to maximize efficiency for the purpose of making Marula wine. No specific recipes for Marula wine were found, but most instructions specified that any fruit from a certain category could be used in the recipe. 4 separate batches of marula wine were made. Each batch was tightly sealed in an opaque container. It was sealed in order to prevent more air and bacteria from entering. In this manner, aerobic bacteria would not survive in the container due to the low amount of oxygen available. The stimulation of bacterial growth by sunlight would also be prevented by the opaqueness of the container. A small quantity of sodium metabisulfite (Campden powder) was added to each of the wine mixtures in order to kill bacteria and preserve the wine (How to make homemade wine step by step, 2009). This was necessary in order to prevent acetefication due to bacterial infection of the solutions. A hole was made in the lids of each container so that a flexible plastic pipe could be inserted. The end of the pipe was placed in a container filled with water to allow for carbon dioxide gas to escape from the fermenting solution. No other gases were allowed to enter due to the placement of the pipe in the water. This should have further prevented bacteria from growing in the solutions. The wines were made, sealed and left to ferment on the 31st January 2010. Approximately a month was allowed for the fermentation of each of the wines. The best wine was then selected according to its bouquet, taste, clarity and colour. The very first batch was chosen. A very small quantity of pectic enzyme was added to the chosen batch after a month at the end of the fermentation process in order to decompose the pectin sediments that remained suspended in the solution. This should have improved clarity, taste and bouquet (Callec, C., 2006) Wine 1 (Chosen Batch) Apparatus  ±2kg ripened Marula fruit 4, 5 litres warm water 500ml refined white cane sugar crystals  ± 30ml Lemon juice 2 x ripe bananas, peeled and cut up  ¼ teaspoon sodium metabisulfite (Crushed and powdered Campden tablets) Pectic enzyme Large metal pot Sharp knife Chopping board Digital scale Large airtight, opaque container with small hole for pipe Dropper Flexible plastic pipe Nylon mesh straining bag Cooking oil filter Paper 2 x Jugs Sterilized, transparent wine bottle with lid Stirring spoon Funnel Method Collect ripened (yellow) marula fruit from across the Nelspruit region. Discard rotten marulas. Rinse marulas with skins on. Boil  ± 4, 5l water on stove in large metal pot. Add sugar and stir until solvent dissolves. Allow water and sugar solution to cool whilst peeling marula fruits. Cut cross in marula skins with sharp knife and peel. Discard rotten fruit and skins. Measure mass to obtain approximately 2kg peeled marula fruits. Add peeled marula fruit and warm sugar solution to large, airtight, opaque container. Add chopped bananas, lemon juice and sodium metabisulfite to solution. Stir mixture and make hole in lid. Seal lid on top of mixture. Place pipe into container through small hole in lid. Place the end of pipe into the water container. Place in a moderately warm, dry and dark room. Allow to ferment for 1 week. Remove marula pips and fruit sediment from mixture. Ferment for a further 3 weeks, checking every few days for bacterial infections and to make sure that fermentation is progressing properly. Use dropper to add 1 drop of pectic enzyme to mixture. Fermentation must be complete. Leave mixture for a further 2 days. Filter mixture twice using cooking oil filter paper, nylon staining mesh and jugs. Cover and place wine in fridge to cool. Leave for 1 day. Filter wine once more and use funnel to transfer the wine to sterilized wine bottle. Seal and keep cool in fridge. Presentation: The presentation was carefully planned according to appropriate wine-tasting etiquette. A plain white tablecloth and neutral tones were chosen in order to bring focus to the actual colour and clarity of the wine (Callec, C., 2006). Proper, clear wine glasses were used to present the wine. A single white candle was lit so that the clarity could be properly examined. Salticracks and assorted wine cheeses accompanied the wine as a palette-cleanser for the tasters. Tasteful, but simple cheeses were chosen so that the taste of the wine would not be overpowered. A spitting bucket was provided. Quality Marula Wine Wine batches 2 4 Wine 2 500g peeled marula fruit  ¼ teaspoon sodium metabisulfite Airtight container Wine 3 500g peeled marula fruit 500ml white sugar 2 litres warm water Airtight container  ¼ teaspoon sodium metabisulfite Pipe Medium plastic container Wine 4 1000g unpeeled marula fruit 4 litres water  ¼ teaspoon sodium metabisulfite Airtight container Pipe Analysis of results A large panel of wine-tasters judged Dalroch at a wine-tasting ceremony held at Penryn College on 25 February. The wines were judged according to bouquet, taste, clarity, colour and presentation. Various scientific explanations can be given for the overall results. Dalroch was lightly tinted in colour. The level achieved for this result was 3/7. This can be attributed to the fact that the concentration of fruit in the wine was too low. The solution was too dilute and the fermentation process did not occur efficiently enough to yield a wine with an intense, attractive colour. No wine yeast was added to the mixture, which would most certainly have had a detrimental effect on the fermentation procedure. The reaction would thus have been very slow or even stunted due to the lack of microorganisms to decompose the Marula fruit. Some fermentation may have occurred as a result of decomposition organisms in the Marulas, but not efficiently enough to yield an intensely attractive colour in the wine. Due to the preservation of the solution by sodium metabisulfite, the initial light, white colour that the marulas produced would have been maintained. The result obtained for the clarity of the wine was 5/7. There was no sediment in the wine, as pectic enzyme was added 3 days prior to the wine tasting. But the cloudy colour can be attributed to the fact that the pectic enzyme was added too late for proper decomposition of the pectin sediment to occur. The cloudy wine was also most likely as a result of bacteria spoilage. The equipment used may not have been sterilized properly, resulting in bacterial infections of the wine (The Fermentation Process, 2007). The solution was most probably oxidized because the container was not properly sealed to prevent air from entering. The container was opened too often, allowing bacteria to enter and reproduce in the wine mixture. The cloudy haze of the wine could also be attributed to the fact that fermentation did not occur properly, due to the omission of yeast in the mixture. The fruit would therefore not have reacted sufficiently with microorganisms to produce alcohol, leaving more sediment in the wine (The Fermentation Process, 2007). The slight cloudiness of the wine could not have been caused because the solution was not filtered properly. It was filtered enough times using proper filter paper and a nylon mesh bag. The result received for the bouquet of Dalroch was 4/7. The smell of the wine was slightly unattractive. Bacterial infection of the wine would have caused it to acetify, giving it an unpleasant smell akin to that of vinegar (The Fermentation Process, 2007). The wine tasted slightly like vinegar. Bacterial infections caused by improper sterilization of equipment and oxidation of the wine after exposure to air would have caused the wine to have a slightly sharp, unpleasant taste. The sodium metabisulfite that was added at the beginning of the procedure would have prevented the wine from acetifying further by killing most bacterias. More sodium metabisulfite could later have been added to help preserve the wine and prevent further acetefication (Callec, C., 2006). The sharp taste can also be attributed to the poor fermentation of the fruit. Insufficient microorganisms for reaction with the fruit sediment to produce alcohol would have resulted in insufficient and stunted fermentation. The prevalence of pectin sediment would have given the wine a very astringent taste due to the acidity of the tannin in the cells of Marulas. This problem could have been resolved by neutralizing the acidity with a potassium carbonate solution (The Fermentatio n Process, 2007). Because the presentation was properly planned according to the rules of wine-tasting etiquette, good results were received. However, it may have been improved by using music and a slide-show to create more ambiance. Failed wines: Neither of batches 2-4 was successful. Each had a notably bitter taste and an unattractive smell. Batch 4 was the least attractive. This can easily be attributed to the addition of skins to the mixture and bacterial spoilage. The levels of pectin and tannin were very high and the astringent solution was also very hazy. The heavy bitterness was thus as a result of acetefication and high acidity in the mixture. The clarity could have been improved with the addition of pectic enzyme to decompose the pectin sediment. Potassium sorbate could have been added to stunt fermentation and prevent too much alcohol from forming. No sugar was added to the second or forth batches. It can be deduced that insufficient nutrients were thus available to the microorganisms in these mixtures. Fermentation would not have occurred properly, even though some sugars from the fruits were available for the reaction. The very unpleasant tastes could have also been attributed to bacteria spoilage in the wine (The Fermentation Process, 2007). Evaluation of Process A more successful result could have been obtained if the wine-making process was planned more carefully prior to the making of the wine. The equipment could be sterilized properly in future to prevent initial bacterial infection and acetefication of the wine. A proper airlock could be used to prevent the entering of air into the fermenting solution. Bacteria would thus be prevented from reproducing and oxidation of the wine would not occur. Wine yeast should have been added so that the fermentation process would have been carried through properly, producing enough alcohol at a fast enough rate (The Fermentation Process, 2007). The pectic enzyme should be added a few weeks prior to the completion of the wine so that the pectin sediment could have been decomposed properly. The clarity of the wine would thus improve. Sodium metabisulfite could be added every two to three weeks to kill all bacteria and inhibit acetefication of the wine. Small amounts would be used to prevent the wine fro m smelling too sulfurous. At the end of the procedure, one gram of potassium sorbate would be added to the wine to stunt further fermentation and production of carbon dioxide. By doing this, the bottle would be in no danger of bursting (The Fermentation Process, 2007). Conclusions The quality of the wine produced by fermentation of Marula fruits was average. Fermentation was not controlled properly, resulting in bacteria spoilage and the consequential acetefication of some of the solution. Due to the omission of yeast and inadequate preservation of the solution, a stunted fermentation resulted early in the production process. It can therefore be concluded that the attempted control of fermentation of Marulas fruits was not effective, resulting in a wine of mediocre quality. The fermentation process should be controlled better in future to produce a higher quality wine. Uses of alcohol in our multicultural society Alcohol is a drug that affects the central nervous system. It belongs in a class with the barbiturates, minor tranquilizers, and general anesthetics, and it is commonly classified as a depressant. (Alcohol consumption, 2010). Alcoholic beverages are consumed in our multicultural society largely for their effects on the mind and body. Alcohol is often utilized within certain social contexts and even as a part of some religious practices (Alcohol consumption, 2010), as it is closely associated with enjoyment and as having symbolic value in celebrations. The effects of alcohol on the brain and body may vary greatly. For some, the substance may serve as an excitant. Under other conditions it can act as a sedative. When consumed as a beverage in high concentrations, alcohol becomes a depressant. This most often leads to a stupor and in more severe situations, coma (Alcohol consumption, 2010). As a food, alcohol effectively has very little nutritional value beyond its caloric content. However, people in general society drink alcohol to reduce feelings of tension and anxiety and often to experience exhilaration. Many discover that drinking can help to suppress overwhelming inhibitions and tensions that interfere with the need to function effectively in social or economic situations. The anxiety-suppressing action of alcohol is largely due to a function of muscle relaxation and the removal of social inhibitions. Alcoholic beverages are used to cause a loss of socially expected restraints. The shy become outgoing or bold. Well-behaved people become disorderly and fearful people may become brave. In most modern societies today, the capacity of alcohol to serve as a social aid is valued greatly. (Alcohol consumption, 2010).   Alcohol is important in pharmacology for use as a solvent for some active, more non-polar medicines (Alcohol consumption, 2010). Such medicines are not very soluble in water, which is comprised of polar molecules. These substances would more readily dissolve in alcohols, which are comprised of polar and non-polar parts. Alcohols with larger alkyl groups would be most preferable for non-polar medicines, as these are more non-polar than alcohols with smaller alkyl groups. It has been scientifically proven that alcohol can act as a mild anticoagulant and reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks, when just 15ml is consumed per day. The substance is also used for the prevention of what is known as delirium tremens (symptoms due to alcohol withdrawal) in alcoholics (Alcohol consumption, 2010). In some cultures, whiskey is used to treat colds and snakebites. Brandy is used to treat faintness. Spirits can be used as a tonic, beer for lactation and any other alcoholic beverage for the treatment of tiredness or overexcitement. However, these uses depend largely upon popular belief and not on sound medical fact. Physicians may prescribe an alcoholic drink to stimulate a sluggish appetite, to act as a vasodilator and to relieve premenstrual stress in women. Alcoholic beverages can be used to relieve aches and pains in elderly people (Alcohol consumption, 2010). However, these effects are once again more psychological than medically effective. Alcoholic beverages most often become central in important personal and social ceremonies. These include rites of passage in most religions and all African cultures, medicine, birth ceremonies, initiations, weddings, feasts, conclaves, crownings, magic rites, worship rituals, hospitality, war declaration, peace declaration and funerals (Alcohol consumption, 2010). In the earliest agriculturally dependant civilizations, alcoholic beverages had many uses. Firstly, they had nutritional value. Secondly, they were the most efficient kind of medication available to treat certain illnesses and particularly for relieving pain. It would have had the capacity to help the shaman or priest and other participants to reach a desired state of ecstasy or frenzy to be able to communicate with supernatural spirits or gods. The substances powers were attributed to the supernatural. Alcohol is still used in magic ceremonies in African cultures today due to the continuation of such beliefs. As in modern society, alcohol was used in keystone ceremonies and allowed for more enjoyable festivities. Ancient uses of alcohol have influenced its role in society today. A drink is still used symbolically to announce friendship, peace, agreement and used in business of political relations. In Judaism, consumption of alcohol is important in the celebration of circumcision of 8-year-old boys to celebrating weddings, toasting to the departed in funerals and on every Sabbath day. In these kinds of ceremonies, alcohol became synonymous with a strict attitude of respect for the importance of such occasions. Drinking too much is consequentially inappropriate. Becoming drunk in any social situation has thus become a rejected and negative practice (Alcohol consumption, 2010). In many other religions, red wine is used religiously to symbolize the blood of life and, in Christianity, to symbolize the blood of Jesus Christ (Alcohol consumption, 2010). In Islam, the Koran condemns the drinking of wine. Consequentially, devout followers of Mohammed all over the world have strictly prohibited the use of any kind of alcoholic beverage at all. Similarly, some Christian denominations have also attested to the prohibition of alcohol consumption due to the detrimental effects it can have on behavior and the body. It is believed that loss of inhibition caused by drinking is disrespectful to the body and to the God in question (Alcohol consumption, 2010). In South Africa and on the rest of the continent, maize, sorghum, bananas, honey, certain tree saps and many fruits have been fermented to produce a variety of exotic beers and wines. In the Zulu culture, for example, beer is made by the female and used to celebrate successful hunting trips or won battles by the males. It is also used by the Shaman and its consumption is not strictly controlled in these cultures (Alcohol consumption, 2010).   The South African government has shown recognition of the potential of newer, science-orientated approaches to alcohol use. Research, education and therapeutic activities are supported, often through special institutions. This is done to maximize control of alcohol use in our society today. (Alcohol consumption, 2010). Conclusively, the reasons for alcohol use can be summarized by its function as a facilitator of mood change in any desired direction. Abuses of alcohol in society Alcohol is commonly discussed in terms of its detrimental effects. The most serious and negative effect of alcohol on humans is alcoholism. The next most serious problems that may be caused are alcoholic diseases. Physical and mental problems arise directly or indirectly as a result of alcoholism or heavy drinking. Due to the negative effects that alcohol can have on the body and because of how it influences behavior when consumed in copious amounts, governments regulate its use by enforcing laws (Alcohol consumption, 2010). In South Africa and the rest of the world, there has been a steady increase in the amount of alcohol consumed over the last century. This has resulted from an increased availability and accessibility of commercial alcohols. Advertising has played a large role in the higher consumption and consequential abuse of alcohol in our society today (Parry, C.D.H.; Pluddemann, A., 1998). In modern society, social pressure can often cause people to abuse alcohol in order to fit in and become socially acceptable to their peers. This is considered highly problematic due to the severe and varying consequences that alcohol has on the mind and body, particularly when it is consumed in large quantities. The most common problems that arise are hangover effects, which include headaches, nausea, dizziness, gastritis and dehydration. Physical and mental incompetence may last as long as 24 hours after the alcohol consumed has been metabolized. Frequent or heavy intoxication of the body by alcohol can caus e severe disturbances to ones health. These disturbances may include cardiac arrhythmias, acute hepatitis, loss of memory, fainting, cancer of the esophagus, stomach and other organs, and other mental impairments which arise in the long-term due to the eventual shrinking of the brain (Alcohol consumption, 2010). Living in our society today comes with the heavy, unavoidable burdens of stress that are brought about by fast-paced, busy and unhealthy lifestyles. It has been scientifically proven that the rate of depression across the globe has increased very significantly as a result (Alcohol consumption, 2010). Many people choose to consume alcohol in order to escape from the reality of their social pressures. This often leads to abuse of the substance. Some drinkers who feel more socially acceptable when drinking are willing to suffer mild and even the severe aftereffects of drunkenness for the sake of temporary euphoria and loss of inhibition. Frequent intoxication, even of a moderate degree, has a severe and burdening effect on the drinker. It can cause severe liver damage and atrophy of the cerebral cortex in more vulnerable people (Alcohol consumption, 2010). It is often seen that the alcoholic experiences more social problems than the expected relief for which they drink. Due to the mental and physical impairment that alcohol causes when consumed in heavy amounts, alcoholics cannot function properly in the simplest of daily activities. For this reason, many alcoholics experience job loss and social rejection. The abuse of alcohol can cause serious aggression and result in verbal, physical and sexual abuse of others. The alcoholic will consequentially alienate even the people that matter most to them. Alcohol may be seen as the single greatest cause of the breakdown of family life (Alcohol consumption, 2010). If the problem is not attended to, poverty and even eventual death may result. The social and economic costs of alcoholism and heavy drinking are heavy in societies all over the world. The annual costs of serviced provided due to these problems are measured in billions of dollars (Alcohol consumption, 2010). A large fraction of the work of police departments and the cost of local courts and jails is attributed to arrests and prosecutions for public intoxication and other incidents in which alcohol is involved. It has become very necessary for governments to intervene in order to maintain some control over the use of alcohol in society today (Alcohol consumption, 2010). The drinking age in South Africa is 18 years by law, and it is illegal for any establishment to sell or provide alcohol to a minor. The government regulates this law due to the higher abuse of alcohol by more irresponsible adolescents and because of how studies show that alcohol consumption and abuse is skewed towards younger populations. Alcohol intoxication is closely associated with mortality and morbidity that are caused mainly by accidents and violence. According to Mr Jacob Zuma, alcohol has been associated with unsafe sexual practices and an increased risk of contracting HIV (Parry, C.D.H.; Pluddemann, A., 1998). In developing countries all over Africa, infectious diseases remain very viable causes of alcohol misuse. Studies associate this with poor nutrition and it can therefore be deferred that the consequential weakening of the immune system by such practices further increase susceptibility to opportunistic diseases (Parry, C.D.H.; Pluddemann, A., 1998). One of the most serious abuses of alcohol is drunk driving. It is illegal in South Africa to drive whilst the concentration of alcohol in any sample of blood taken from the driver is more than 0, 05 grams per 100 millilitres (Alcohol and Legal Implications of Drunk Driving, 2007). Alcohol mentally and physically affects the driver by causing their reactions to become sluggish and judgment of other vehicles and objects on the road to become impaired. Due to high speeds and the much higher chances of causing a collision on the road, it is a very serious offense to drive drunk. The lives of the driver many innocent people on the roads are endangered due to drunken driving and negligence that is so common amongst people in society today. The Arrive Alive campaign on roads is one of the many examples of attempts by the South African government to reduce and effectively end the abuse of alcohol and the consequential increasing death toll on our roads (Alcohol and Legal Implications of Drun k Driving, 2007). There is evidence that an expectant mother can endanger the development of the fetus by drinking even the smallest quantities of alcohol. Fetal alcohol syndrome may result from a variety of birth defects that arise as a result. The problem arises when people do not take medical advice seriously. Some negligent mothers are abusive to the lives of their children by consuming alcohol during pregnancy. The defects include disorders of the central nervous system, slower development, mental impairment and abnormal physical features. Some babies are so severely affected that they may die soon after birth. No amount of alcohol consumption should thus be considered safe during pregnancy (Alcohol consumption, 2010). It can be concluded that the abuse of alcohol in our multicultural society today should be avoided due to the many serious and negative implications that are associated with its intoxication of the body. It is essential for the governments of all countries to strictly regulate consumption for a safer, more efficient and productive society.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Locality Planning :: essays research papers

Locality Planning - The Key Elements A locality plan is a fundamental and dynamic management tool which will state a list of targets to be met within a given locality. It will be based on local needs analysis and will be used to prioritise resource allocation whilst at the same time encouraging involvement and enhancing accountability. There are many factors which will determine how such a plan might develop, some of which are the consultation processes, inter-agency and inter-service co-operation, availability of resources, service quality, monitoring and feedback procedures as well as meeting the corporate aims, values and policies of Fife Council. Consultation will need to be participative and all who may be affected by the plan would need to be actively encouraged to participate. This would involve amongst others, local community groups, elected members, voluntary organisations, residents, businesses, council services and officials. This consultation ‘phase’ would have to examine what other plans, initiatives, programmes and policies may be in place and any resultant impact on existing service provision and resources. Inter-agency and intra-agency co-operation is essential if information is to be collated and processed in any meaningful fashion and to ensure that any plan once in place will be properly supported. Barriers to co-operation need to be removed through consultation, participation, negotiation, and improved communication channels. Resource provision has to be assessed along with any plan. Existing resources, whether personnel, equipment or financial can only cater for so many needs. The targeting of these resources would need to be negotiated and agreed by all parties involved as part of the process of encouraging ownership of and participation in a locality plan. To provide a plan which meets local needs and has the necessary resources is pointless if the quality of implementation does not meet the expectations of the community. Recognition therefore of the service delivery processes are vital. Personnel need to be properly trained, highly motivated and committed to the aims of the plan. Equipment needs to be suitable for its intended purpose and utilised as effectively as possible. Monitoring and feedback are an essential part of the process if the locality plan is to remain dynamic. Monitoring allows the progress of the plan to be measured and any fine tuning can be implemented where needed.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

autism Essay examples -- essays research papers

Autism Research Paper   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Autism is a neurological disorder that was identified by Dr. Leo Kanner 50 years ago. Autism can affect someone very mildly or severally and it can effect language, communication, and/or gross motor skills. It is the most devastating disorder a child could have and it also is devastating for the family. There is no medicine and no cure for autism but there are glutton free diets that help.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  People with autism can look normal but they lack communication skills and are withdrawn within there own world. Many people with autism usually have rituals or they do the same thing constantly which makes them need constant supervision from their parents or state agencies. Children with autism usually don’t ever use creative or imaginative play. They also need to be taught everything that they know. There is an estimated 400,000 autistic people in the U.S. from any ethnic or racial background. The social, emotional, and financial costs of autism to the family and to state or federal agencies is very high. Autism affects its victims in a wide variety of ways. Some do well in special supportive environments, other are completely independent and function fairly well, and still others may never learn to talk or be able to work or live independently. It is common for an autistic person to avoid being touched because of a strong sense of touch. A light touch to most people may hurt an autistic person. Yet some a...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

WalMart :: essays papers

WalMart Sam Walton, a leader with an innovative vision, started his own company and made it into the leader in discount retailing that it is today. Through his savvy, and sometimes unusual, business practices, he and his associates led the company forward for thirty years. Today, four years after his death, the company is still growing steadily. Wal-Mart executives continue to rely on many of the traditional goals and philosophies that Sam's legacy left behind, while simultaneously keeping one step ahead of the ever-changing technology and methods of today's fast-paced business environment. The organization has faced, and is still facing, a significant amount of controversy over several different issues; however, none of these have done much more than scrape the exterior of this gigantic operation. The future also looks bright for Wal-Mart, especially if it is able to strike a comfortable balance between increasing its profits and recognizing its social and ethical responsibilities. Why is Wal-Mart so Successful? Is it Good Strategy or Good Strategy Implementation? -- In 1962, when Sam Walton opened the first Wal-Mart store in Rogers, Arkansas, no one could have ever predicted the enormous success this small-town merchant would have. Sam Walton's talent for discounts retailing not only made Wal-Mart the world's largest retailer, but also the world's number one retailer in sales. Indeed, Wal-Mart was named "Retailer of the Decade" by Discount Store News in 1989, and on several occasions has been included in Fortune's list of the "10 most admired corporations." Even with Walton's death (after a two-year battle with bone cancer) in 1992, Wal-Mart's sales continue to grow significantly. Wal-Mart is successful not only because it makes sound strategic management decisions, but also for its innovative implementation of those strategic decisions. Regarded by many as the entrepreneur of the century, Walton had a reputation for caring about his customers, his employees (or "associates" as he referred to them), and the community. In order to maintain its market position in the discount retail business, Wal-Mart executives continue to adhere to the management guidelines Sam developed. Walton was a man of simple tastes and took a keen interest in people. He believed in three guiding principles: 1. Customer value and service; 2. Partnership with its associates; 3. Community involvement (The Story of Wal-Mart, 1995). WalMart :: essays papers WalMart Sam Walton, a leader with an innovative vision, started his own company and made it into the leader in discount retailing that it is today. Through his savvy, and sometimes unusual, business practices, he and his associates led the company forward for thirty years. Today, four years after his death, the company is still growing steadily. Wal-Mart executives continue to rely on many of the traditional goals and philosophies that Sam's legacy left behind, while simultaneously keeping one step ahead of the ever-changing technology and methods of today's fast-paced business environment. The organization has faced, and is still facing, a significant amount of controversy over several different issues; however, none of these have done much more than scrape the exterior of this gigantic operation. The future also looks bright for Wal-Mart, especially if it is able to strike a comfortable balance between increasing its profits and recognizing its social and ethical responsibilities. Why is Wal-Mart so Successful? Is it Good Strategy or Good Strategy Implementation? -- In 1962, when Sam Walton opened the first Wal-Mart store in Rogers, Arkansas, no one could have ever predicted the enormous success this small-town merchant would have. Sam Walton's talent for discounts retailing not only made Wal-Mart the world's largest retailer, but also the world's number one retailer in sales. Indeed, Wal-Mart was named "Retailer of the Decade" by Discount Store News in 1989, and on several occasions has been included in Fortune's list of the "10 most admired corporations." Even with Walton's death (after a two-year battle with bone cancer) in 1992, Wal-Mart's sales continue to grow significantly. Wal-Mart is successful not only because it makes sound strategic management decisions, but also for its innovative implementation of those strategic decisions. Regarded by many as the entrepreneur of the century, Walton had a reputation for caring about his customers, his employees (or "associates" as he referred to them), and the community. In order to maintain its market position in the discount retail business, Wal-Mart executives continue to adhere to the management guidelines Sam developed. Walton was a man of simple tastes and took a keen interest in people. He believed in three guiding principles: 1. Customer value and service; 2. Partnership with its associates; 3. Community involvement (The Story of Wal-Mart, 1995).

BSC Implementation process and initiatives Essay

The balanced scorecard is a system that helps business people to become savvy in strategic management. Companies have a life line through this system to make self evaluation and plan for a successful business path. This system was meant to help companies and businesses achieve the best possible results for the business endeavors. BSC has caused ripples among various practitioners across the vast business fraternity at first nobody seemed to have a clue as to how to describe the perspective it sought to create about business operations. The result of these perceptions caused misunderstanding among both proponents and opponents of the system. The system however does not seem to follow the same path as other systems developed before its emergence; it lacks the technical aspect. (Neiger et al, 2009) In any type of business management is a serious concern that needs to be looked in to keenly without prejudice. Management in any company or business plays a major role that cannot be wished away at whatever cost. Where there is good leadership then a business stands to reap fruits; providing a course to prosperity and decent profits. Bad management results in the crippling of business activities as well as the eventual death of a business initiative. What does strategy and operational control entail? In leadership or corporate governance how one runs a business matters a lot; in some aspects it draws parallels between success or profitability and in the worst scenarios may result in losses. Management is seriously intertwined with actions and action measures. A leader has to always monitor stringently the daily performance of the business. Business operations gather moment when a number of aspects are put to play; one is diagnostic measures that are used for controlling processes. The culture that a business relates to or wants to be associated with also may give a pointer as to what direction the company intends to move. Business leaders are also tasked with developing interaction systems in their own jurisdiction that work and translate in to good relations among staff. Policy framework should be established and adhered to knowing very well that boundaries have to be set; any crossing of the lines ramifications are there. Control mechanisms can be tailor made to suit various sc enarios; personal controls may be merged with cultural work practices. (Neiger et al, 2009) What were the efforts undertaken to effect BSC in to BAE? There was an evolution in BAE when the company sought to make a number of changes in the way they did their operations. The company decided to make a shift from their traditional modalities of doing things and sought to make changes in regard to their culture. BAE evolved over a period of time; they moved from a system that was not as coherent as the balanced score card to one that was, the balanced score card. They had a system that embraced the Business Value Scorecard; this is the method that came before balanced score card at the BAE. The BVS approach carried along it the vision that top management at the BAE had set it out to achieve and it came as a welcome relief when their profits margins begun to soar. BVS came in to being because the leadership at BAE wanted a system they deemed sufficient to lead the company in to a smooth changeover and also have the effect of ensuring cultural change takes place. Financial and the non-financial aspects of execution of pillars of the culture were discussed to great lengths by the management. (Eisen, 2000) BAE made strides in terms of its market share in Europe; in the year 1999 the company had become a market leader in Europe. The company deals with making defense equipment and it was during the same year that they got themselves being positioned second largest company in the world. The company is divided in to eight subsections with each making specific items. In the year 1994, the company found itself in a precarious situation whereby despite of the wish to carry out cultural change; they were unable to perform competitively. Members who formed part of the managerial team embarked on an exercise to analyze the weaknesses and the strong points that the company had to showcase. The realization that the company seemed to be stalling pushed the Chief Executive and his team in to action; they brainstormed on how best to make amends before it was too late. (Eisen, 2000) The chief executive and his support decided on modalities on how to push through changes and better work and operational ethics to keep the company head above water. The chief executive also decided to push a raft of measures through; among them was reviewing business practices as well engage experts beyond the company walls to help out. He engaged everyone regardless of rank or position within the company as a means to rectify the situation at hand. (Kaplan and Norton, 2008) Was the approach a success? The company not only made an upward movement in profitability but they were now having functional systems. Employees were able to feel and share in the new changes; they were getting the befitting treatment they deserved. They were also accorded a raft of benefits and the practices at the Human Resource departments were well streamlined and the employee retention level had begun to improve. The changes at BAE were a welcome success and the company is continuously reaping the benefits of those bold steps towards change. (Kaplan and Norton, 2008) References Neiger, D., Churilov, L., Flitman, A., & Rotaru, K. (2009).  Value-focused process engineering: A systems approach : with applications to human resource management. New York: Springer Eisen, P. J. (2000).  Accounting. Hauppauge, N.Y: Barron’s Educational Series. Kaplan, R. S., & Norton, D. P. (2008).  The execution premium: Linking strategy to operations for competitive advantage. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business Press. Source document

Monday, September 16, 2019

Frq Apush Farmers vs Industrialization Essay

The Gilded Age, a time of industrious growth and a surge of new immigrants. Americans had witnessed the death of rural life dominated by farmers and the birth of an urban and industrial America dominated by bankers, industrialists, and city dwellers. Overproduction led farmers into debt leaving them just an overflow of crops due to the repressed prices. Tariff Policies forced farmers to buy manufactured goods for survival. Farmers lost their status and power due to industrialization. Let’s just say farmers felt betrayed by their government and not letting them have voice. Overproduction was the most vexing problem during this time. The American farmer produced too much for their own good. As levels rise, the use of farm machinery increased it allowed the farmer to grow even more, new farming techniques, and the spread of railroads l made markets full of produce. As more and more crops were in the markets, it made the prices fall for the produce. Farmers were growing more and making less money. Of all the problems a farmer faced, overproduction was the gravest. Not making enough to recoup expenses because of depressed crop values, farmers attempted to compensate by producing more. This made the problem worse. The lack of income drove farmers into ever-deepening debt. Farmers fell victim to a tariff policy of the U.S. during the Gilded Age. It forced them to buy all the manufacture goods they needed for survival on a market protected by tariff legislation at high prices while selling what they produced on an unprotected market at reduced prices because of oversupply and foreign competitors. The government put a tax on the manufactured goods being imported into the U.S. by other manufactures. They hoped to make them more expensive than the American goods. For consumers would buy American goods. During this process it made American rapidly industrialized. Famers felt doubly discriminated against because they felt the tariffs were applied primarily to manufactured goods while their interests were left to fend for themselves. One of the hardest impacts due to industrialization for farmers was that they had to deal with the recognition that rural and agricultural America was given way to an urban and industrialized American. Dominated by the interests of big business, and government. Famers found the major political parties during the time unresponsive to their demands that government deal with their problems. Farmers no longer controlled the social, economic, or political systems. Which was a constant struggle for them to be heard, and did not feel appreciated. Farmers were impacted by industrialization in many ways causing many problems. Making a huge amount of them very unhappy during the Gilded Age.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Human Resource Management Process Essay

Human Resource Management Process Introduction            The role of a Human Resource department is ever changing in today’s volatile business environment. Over the years HR have become strong strategic partners within an organization by providing functions such as recruitment, training and development and retention. Human Resource, in order to be strategic, works directly with all levels of management in an effort to help with strategy and the growth of the company to meet their vision. One very important aspect is talent acquisition. Having the right people in key roles within the organization is vital to the success and growth of any company. Performing this function includes job analysis, task and KSA statements, preparing job descriptions, recruiting, and then setting compensation. The entire process from job analysis to compensation is discussed as follows; Job analysis            When a new job is created or a vacancy occurs, it is the role of a HR representative to fill that void. In order to perform this function they need to first understand what role they are trying fill is and what skills and responsibilities this new role would require. By conducting a job analysis they are able to further define important elements of any job and then search for the person or people that are the most qualified and would be a good fit for the company. Job analysis is the process of describing and recording aspects of jobs and stipulating the skills and other requirements necessary to perform the job. It refers to the process of Gathering and collecting information about responsibilities, duties, skills, the outcomes and the environment that influences working in a particular job field. The job analysis process will help the HR managers find the ideal candidate for the position. Task statement            Task analysis is the process by which a task statement is derived. The task statement is the most important element of task analysis process because it provides a standardized, concise format to describe worker actions. It is a document that defines and describes the specific job to be performed by the candidate. The creation of these task statements may take considerable thought and insight. However, the rewards of conducting this due diligence before taking on the task of hiring a new employee, makes the process very simple and less stressful. Everything is clearly defined and above all, measurable in the future. KSA statement            KSA statements are the job related knowledge, skills and abilities that an applicant must perform successfully in a certain position. It is a statement that helps employees in the process of identifying the employee who best fits in a particular field. KSA statements help hiring managers identify the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to successfully perform a specific job. Knowing the tasks that have to be performed, helps you to identify the KSA that the candidate must possess in order to perform to the companies standards and in return hire the right candidate. Job description            Writing a job description is an important step in the human resource staffing plan. A job description typically outlines the necessary skills, training and education needed by a potential employee for a specified job. It provides an outline of what should be done by a particular employee in a specific position. It should give a brief overview of the role, how it relates to the organizational vision, a list of key responsibilities, requirements and qualifications.Once a job description is prepared, it can serve a basis for interviewing candidates, orienting a new employee and finally in the evaluation of overall job performance. By incorporating and utilizing job descriptions, an organization can better understand the experience and skill set needed to enhance the overall success of the company. Recruitment plan            Once the Job analysis, Task statements, KSA statements and the job description are completed, the next step is to search for candidates. A complete recruitment plan identifies vacant positions in an organization that need to be filled so that so that an adequate job advertisement can be created and placed appropriately for a specific period of time. Most recruitment plans include searching both internally and externally from the organization. When organizations choose the right people for the job, these people are not only great performers with their job, but also tend to stay with the organization longer. Selection method            The key to the selection process is to choose a strategy for screening candidates that will allow an organization to view the most qualified candidates for the vacant position. Employee selection process usually entails reviewing, screening, interviewing, testing then selecting the best available candidates for theavailable position. Organizations also make use of many outside agencies when completing the selection process. Drug screening and reference checks are often done by a third party. Many companies are beginning to incorporate assessment tests and activities into the selection process to insure additional training is not necessary for potential candidates. A selection method chosen by the organization should allow the selection panel of a company to pick the candidate that is most suited to fill the vacant position. Performance evaluation            A performance evaluation is a review and discussion of an employee’s performance of assigned duties and responsibilities. Performance evaluations need to be in place to support decisions made by management and the HR department. The appraisal is based on results obtained by the employee in their job. These evaluations can also be used to teach as they may show areas that need improvement as well as provide backup for recognition of a job well done. It measures skills and accomplishments with reasonable accuracy and uniformity.The performance evaluations need to be structured and performed in a timely manner as well and managers need to be trained appropriately has to how to conduct these evaluations. Compensation plan            Compensation is a systematic approach to proving monetary value to employees in exchange for work performed.Compensation may achieve several purposes assisting in recruitment, job performance, and job satisfaction. Job analysis can be used in compensation to identify or determine skill levels, compensable job factors, fiscal and supervisory responsibilities and required level of education which is related to salary level. Job descriptions are used as a tool for determining salary ranges.Many people associate compensation with money but when looking for a job, many compensation packages are designed with a package of products in mind. Due to the fact that compensation isn’t just about the dollar figure, compensation packages need to be discussed in great detail when hiring new employees.Overall compensation strategies have to be designed to meet the overall objectives of the organization.            Would you change anything in your process at this point? No I wouldn’t change anything. This is because of the following reasons:            I don’t think that I would change anything about my paper because I did do extensive research on a HR Receptionist position to determining the skills, qualifications and experience needed for this type of positions. There is a legal need to do a job analysis. Employers who wish to demonstrate that their selection processes are valid will need to start with the job analysis. There are also management reasons for doing the analysis. It yields an improved process for obtaining, retaining and managing organization’s work. Job description communicates the organization’s expectations to its employees. Conclusion            In conclusion, we have discussed the importance of the job analysis process which includes task statement, KSA statement and job description. Job analysis is the procedure used to determine tasks, duties and responsibilities of each job, and identify knowledge, skills and abilities appropriate to perform the job.The job analysis process can render positive outcomes like increased profits, employee retention and reaching overall organizational goals when implemented successfully within an organization.            We have also discussed importance of human resource department’s ability to recruit, select candidates appropriately and continue ongoing performance evaluations with the organization’s employees.An organization cannot build a good team of working professionals without good Human Resources. The key functions of the Human Resources Management team include recruiting people, training them, performance appraisals, motivating employees as well as workplace communication, workplace safety, and much more. As you can see, human resource plays a very big role in the foundation of an organization. Literature review on compensation Introduction            Compensation can be defined as any rewards obtained by employees in return for their labor. Compensation can be divided into three aspects, that is; direct financial compensation, indirect financial compensation and non-financial compensation. Direct financial compensation consists of pay received in the form of wages, salaries, bonuses and commissions provided at regular intervals. Indirect financial compensation includes all financial rewards which are not included in direct compensation, and form part of the social contract between the employer and employee such as benefits, leaves, retirement plans, education and employee services. Non financial compensation refers to topics such as career development and advancement opportunities, opportunities for recognition as well as work environment and conditions.            As much as many employees focus on direct financial compensation, it is the non-financial rewards that are more effective in the long term employee engagement. Job position covers the various duties such as interesting duties and responsibilities, autonomy, challenges, authority feeling of achievement, advancement opportunities and opportunities for recognition.            Work environment focuses on; competent supervision, fun and effective co-workers, flexible scheduling, modified retirement and fair and consistent practices and policies. Scholarly review            Levels of firms’ productivity widely depend on good compensation strategies. In small businesses, coordination between general resource management practices lacked, hence, diminished productivity levels. Besides, personnel related problems are arising as a result of unclear, outlined policies on human resource management and compensation in small businesses. Inadequate and inefficient management of human resources often adversely affects employee’s perception of equity, resulting in dissatisfaction, inadequate motivation, higher turnover and lower productivity (Tate, et al, 1982). Unlike small businesses, large businesses rely on a well organized, formal personnel development to ensure effective human resource management.            There are various policies that aid in proper human resource management and increment of productivity levels. These policies are based on both wage payment and other fringe benefits. In order for these policies to effectively work, one need to enact proper maintenance practices which include; appropriate induction of an employee, conducting performances review, providing employee service and instituting governance.            However, the surveys were done to come to a conclusion on the gap that was observed between ‘what could be’ and ‘what was’ (in terms of professional human resource management) might be caused by at least four factors; a lack of formal personnel management training, a lack of perception on the part of decision makers that productivity is improved by use of generally accepted human resource management practices, a lack of incentive because employers are family members or an inability to use human resource management practices effectively because of size and monetary constraints.            Compensation can also be achieved through recognition of personnel. Recognition of personnel is done by considering the following; the length of service, above and beyond program, peer to peer, retirements and sales. Rewarding of the recognized personnel is done through; certification and or plaques, cash gifts, certification and company logo merchandise. Recognition is meant to; salute years of service, create a positive work environment, encourage high performance, foster a culture of recognition and raise personnel morale.            Not all gestures succeed. Celebrating employees can also backfire, as far as the research conducted by Business Scholars at Harvard Business School. There were two reasons that emerged; first, â€Å"employees strategically gave the program improving timelines only when eligible for the reward, and call in sick to retain eligibility,† scholars explain. Secondly, â€Å"employees with perfect pre-program attendance or high productivity suffered 6.8% productivity decrease after program introduction, suggesting they were de-motivated by awards for good behavior they already exhibited.†            Compensation related issues have called for relevant compensation plans and decisions in order to cater equally for personnel. There are various decisions that human resource management makes concerning compensation as highlighted below;            Compensation decisions are essential in compensation strategies. Compensation of personnel depends on the market position (level of pay relative to competitors), internal versus external orientation, hierarchy (the pay structure and the basic-job versus skills-for the pay structure reward mix, and the basis of research performance versus seniority, groups versus individual and criteria used) (Lawler 1981). These are issues that determine decision of salary increment.            Increasing list of decisions has raised doubts about the efficacy of a strategic perspective. It brings to mind the multiple facts of job satisfaction that made the constraint more complex than originally conceived (Heneman, 1985), hence, t is necessary to differentiate decision which are strategic from those that are not.            Compensation decision making widely depends on the strategic policies as highlighted below;            Competitiveness, whose degrees vary among various organizations and among occupations within them, from a strategic perspective, competitiveness refers to positioning a firm’s compensation relative to its competitors (Belcher, et al, 1987). It deals with total return trade off decision.            Internal structure- the internal pay structure is a fundamental policy that requires strategic decisions. Typically it refers to the distribution of rates or internal pay differentials. (Simon, et al,1987.) Decisions involved depend on the issue of pay, equity and slope of the hierarchies.            Forms of pay- this is another policy that pertains the forms of the mix of various elements of total compensation (Heneman, et al, 1973). Decisions include the number of forms to offer, the degree to which each is contingent to employees maintaining their membership in the organization like entitlement, or performance like incentives, relative importance of each form and the proportion of the workforce eligible for each firm.            Basis for increase-decisions based on the strategic policies involved in granting pay increase are also involved; they range from an emphasis on short versus long term incentives (Caroll, et al, 1987).            Role in the human resource strategy- description of firm’s human resources strategies plays a very important role in decision making (Dyer, 1985).            Administrative style- this process is used to administer compensation decision, also referred to as strategic properties. It deals with issues such as employee participation, communication centralization and dispute resolutions mechanisms.            Compensation planning and administration has various challenges which require efficient decision making criteria. These compensation related decisions are formulated to do away with disputes that may result from pre hiring pay, ongoing employment, legal compliance, equal pay out and fair labor standards acts. Conclusion            From what we have seen in the scholarly articles, for one to improve business productivity, it is essential to have relevant compensation strategies to provide guidelines on personnel compensation. Many small businesses are characterized by inadequate and insufficient management of human resources which tend to affect employee’s perception of equity, resulting to dissatisfaction, inadequate motivation and lower productivity, hence, proper human resource management strategies are essential in building a well organized, formal, personnel department to ensure high productivity levels.            Compensation can also be achieved through proper recognition of personnel by considering different aspects as highlighted in the articles above. Recognition is essential as it fosters work environment and also encourages high performance through appraisal of morale among the staff.            In order to come up to a proper compensation plan, the human resource department needs to formulate clear policies and procedures to follow. These policies aid in decision making regarding various compensation incentives to personnel or employees. These decisions involve financial compensation which is in form of wages, salaries, bonuses and commissions, leaves, retirement plans and other employee services; non financial compensation decision on job positions and working environment related factors.            In short, it is essential for a good human resource management to have relevant policies which are essential in identifying when and how to compensate personnel properly. References Amba-Rao, S. C. &Pendse, D. (1985).Human Resource Compensation and Maintenance Practices. American Journal of Small Business, 10(2), 19-29. Belcher, D., &Atchinson, T. 1987.Compensation administration.Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. Caroll S. (1987). Business strategies and Compensation Systems.In D.B Balkin&L.R. Gomez Mgia, New Perspectives in Compensation, Pp 343- 355, Prentice Hall. Dyer, L. (1985). Strategic human resource management and planning. InK. Rowland and G. Ferris (eds.), Research in Personnel and HumanResources Management, 3, pp. 1-30, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. Freedman, S. (1978).Some Determinants of Compensation Decisions.Academy of ManagementJournal, 397-409. Heneman, H. G. (1985), Pay Satisfaction in K. M. Rowland & G. R. Ferns (eds), Research inPersonnel and Human Resource Management, vol 3, p 115-139. Lawler, E. E., III. 1981. Pay and organizational development. Reading, Mass.: Addison- Wesley. Tate, C. E., Jr., Megginson, L. C , Scott, C. R., Jr., &Tnieblood, L. R. (1985). Successful small business management. Piano, TX: Business Publications, Inc. Thompson, K. (2014). Honoring Employees is Good Business. Phi Kappa Phi Forum, 94(2), 26. Source document