Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Problem Of Senior Homelessness - 1360 Words

Senior homelessness is at an all time high, and will only increase in the coming years with the continuous growth of the senior population. Recent upsurges in the elder population are mostly due to the demographic group of individuals born post-World War II, known as the Baby Boom Generation. Between the years 2000 and 2010 a 31.5% increase of the population aged 45-64 (known as the older adult age range) reflects those born in this era. Being homeless, especially in these late years of life, causes for many problems related to health and mortality. Individuals under these circumstances lack mobility resulting in disability, lack health care and necessary resources such as food water and shelter, and are also put at risk to mental illnesses as well as substance abuse. While identifying the major risks associated with homelessness in the elderly population, a plan can be addressed and put into action to provide the supportive services necessary to cater to this overwhelming problem in our society. Firstly, it is important to understand the greater health risks these specific populations of people are exposed to. Elder adults beyond age 50 are more likely to be subject to chronic illnesses than homeless adults under the age of 50 (CSH and Hearth inc.). To support this, studies have been done that show the prevalence of disease in such populations. One study in particular found that 85% of homeless adults older than 50 reported to having at least one serious chronicShow MoreRelatedHomelessness : The New York City Shelter System1093 Words   |  5 PagesHomelessness in America Homelessness in America has been slowly decreasing since 2013. In 2014 the New York City shelter system reported an increase of seven percent, from 50,135 in 2013 to 53,615 in 2014. 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