Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Public Relation Campaign Essay

The Impact of Technology Considerations Riordan is into plastic manufacturing. This is a technological product. Its uses can vary from simple carry bags to the sophisticated packaging. Plastics are considered environmentally unsafe. The only way to get rid of a plastic product is recycle and reuse it. Except for use, plastic is technologically sophisticated product. It requires technology to manufacture it as well as recycle it. Riordan before launching the product in global market place needs to understand the market set up and availability of recycling units. Recycling can be one of the themes of its PR strategy. It can educate consumers about the benefits of recycling and Riordan’s products compatibility with recycling. It can promote recycling in various ways. It can arrange recollection of the used Riordan products for recycling for free of cost or bare minimum charges from the users or encourage users to donate used plastics at Riordan units or selected locations from where it can be sent to recycling. It can also place its recycling waste bins in the high plastic usage areas. It can use new technological platforms like internet in order to promote recycling and reuse of plastic. Riordan can also communicate about its technological efforts to make the products better and less environmentally unsafe. Globalization Considerations There are various globalization considerations for Riordan. These are as follows: Social and cultural environment is one of the most important aspects of globalization considerations for Riordan. There are various factors of social and cultural environment that may result in success or failure of any company in global market place. The cultural differences must be studied for developing any PR campaign. The community will be involved in any kind of event and activities only if it can associate itself with it. This is possible when company has properly studied the cultural elements of the new business destination. Technological Environment is second important aspect for Riordan, as the product it is trying to launch in new business place requires technological set up for production and manufacturing. In the PR campaign it needs to find out the technological platforms and mediums that cover its target audience. Once these are identified, it can develop its PR plan using the most compatible platforms. Any PR campaign can be developed within the parameters of legal and regulatory framework. Governments of different countries are very particular about the messages; content and information companies are releasing in order to improve their image. The information must not be exaggerated, vague or misleading. Companies need to show their responsibilities while disseminating any information. They are accountable for their actions. Not only PR campaigns, but also in entire operations companies need to function according to the statutory compliance with the local government and international regulatory bodies in the global market place. A PR campaign will be successful only when all the information regarding company and from the company is positive. This is possible when company has smooth relationship with its suppliers, distributors, vendors, creditors and other financial stakeholders. The investment company is making in the new location will provide employment opportunity to many and help in the economical development of the particular area. This can also be one part of PR campaign for the company. Company can start certain corporate responsibility projects related to environment pollution. At the citizen front people are not as responsible for separating biodegradable and non degradable wastes. Company can educate and encourage people about benefits of separating such wastes. It can foster change in society through its PR campaign. This can improve its brand image and reputation. It will help building its image as a responsible corporate citizen. Crisis Management Plan There can be different types of crisis where organization will require responding quickly and actively. Company can analyze internal and external environment in order to find out about the possible crisis. Company’s PR strategy should aim at easing the tension situation. It should be a committed effort. Any kind of information going out of the company must be thoroughly checked and verified. A crisis management team of PR personnel, legal experts and representatives of main business operations like marketing, human resource and personnel management, finance and technology should be created, once major risk areas are identified. Team members should be accountable for their responsibilities. Communication channel and information flow should be planned. Employees should be given crisis management training. PR office should create a Crisis Management Manual for internal reference and external communication. During the crisis PR office should provide proper information on time. This information should be developed on the basis of interaction with local government, investigating agencies, legal agencies and concerned departments within the organization. Reference: Cooper, D, Grey S, Raymond G and Walker P (2005) Managing Risk in Large Projects and Complex Procurements, Project Risk Management Guidelines, Broadleaf Capital International, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, West Sussex, England (e-book) Check List for Crisis Management Planning retrieved on 30 May 2008 from http://www.acc.com/chapters/program/houst/crisischecklist.pdf Dinsmore, P.C. (1993) AMA Handbook of Project Management, The AMACOM Books ISBN: 0814401066 (e-book)

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